Speakers will appear at different times including Dennis Broe at 6:30 via Skype

Nuit Debout. Less than one month ago, on March 31, the movement became real in Paris. Today there are nightly occupations throughout France and now in Spain, Belgium and in Berlin. Tomorrow, there will be more. Join the growing movement of all opposed to the dictates of the capitalists and their allies — students, workers, refugees, those discriminated against, the precariat, the imprisoned, the homeless and barely housed, feminists, migrants, and anti-racists. We will show films, talk, and reach out to comrades in struggle as what began in Paris continues to grow and cross boundaries as our many struggles converge.
Our celebration and conversation will begin at 6, and continue until 10 pm or longer if people desire. Long live Nuit Debout!
For current information about what is taking place in Europe: https://www.convergence-des-luttes.org

Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 6:00pm