Claude Copeland, Laurel Mei-Singh, Yuko Tonohira

Claude, Laurel and Yuko will survey the tremendous resistance to US and other capitalist occupations taking place in the Pacific, the Middle East and speak about the network of resistance that is developing in NYC.

Claude Copeland is active in community organizing in the Bronx and is a long-time member of Iraq Veterans Against the War.
Laurel Mei-Singh serves as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in American Studies at Princeton University. Her current research develops a genealogy of military fences and their relationship to Hawaiian struggles for national liberation and self-determination in Wai‘anae on the island of O‘ahu in Hawai‘i. She has worked with the Wai‘anae Environmental Justice Working Group, Hawai‘i Peace and Justice, and CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities.

Yuko Tonohira is a member of Sloths Against Nuclear State (SANS). She is a graphic designer and illustrator working in a wide range of fields in healthcare, book publications, music, and across environmental and social justice movements internationally.

Saturday, July 16, 2016 - 7:30pm