Mohawk Beatles Concert & Poetry, too
Karonhyawake Jeff Doreen is a singer-songwriter from Hamilton, Ontario. He sings Beatles’ songs that he translates into Kanyen’'kehá:ka, Mohawk language, as well as originals. He is a speaker and teacher of Kanyen’'kehá:ka in the Grand Erie School Board. He has also taught in Six Nations of the Grand River at the adult immersion program. Come hear this unique performance and have your mind changed about Native languages. Jeff may even have you singing a few Mohawk. This is a rare treat. Jeff rarely comes to the city. Don't miss it.
Jeff will be introducing to the Commons audience his friend Laura Kooji, who will read from her new book, "No Rainbow" a collection of poetry written through major life changes as the author came out as Two Spirit/ Queer to community and family. Feelings around identity, relationships, sexuality and the inseparable reality of indigenous being and indigenous bodies in a political context are written as a method of healing.
Laura Kooji is Anishinaabe, Ojibway from Nipissing First Nation. She was raised, and currently lives in Dish with One Spoon territory (Hamilton, ON). Laura is a multi-disciplinary artist whose creative outlets also include music, the performing arts and beadwork. Her previously published written work about cultural appropriation and identity can be found in print and online. A community educator and activist, Laura is the co-founder and editor of Bent Q Media, an online resource run by and for members of Hamilton Ontario’s LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit communities. Laura is passionate about learning Anishnaabemowin (Ojibway) and Kanyen'kehà:ka (Mohawk) languages to help reclaim and revitalize lifeways.
Free, but sliding scale donations are encouraged
388 Atlantic Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11217